The infection in the human body, they have the parasites, which is very common in the modern world. Worm infection is a disease accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. Parasites In the to suck out the tissues of the cells in the body, the nutrients in the vitamins, you will get a whole host of health problems. Treatment of the parasites are effectively carried out with the help of folk remedies of the media. Even though the worse the performance of the medicinal product, the drug, but no side effects to the body.
And To be sure to protect the mouth in the parasites, you must know the sources of possible contamination:

- The dirtiest of hands. Hands should be washed with soap after every visit to the streets and into the bathroom. This measure is effective, but can not guarantee there is no risk to the their life people who are constantly in contact with various things the items. For example, in public transport, the fence they have in the shop to organize the paper according to the bill.
- It. The legs of the flies the mosquitoes, so that carriers of the larvae of such parasites. In the summer the Window in the front door of their home, they should be blocked by the thick curtains, the food is not left in the open, in cover, with the cover in a towel.
- Water. Often, in the unboiled liquid can be inhabited by various parasites, their eggs, thus growing the water before drinking should be boiled.
- The pet hair. The animals that live in the home should be regular washing of the comb through his hair.
- Some of the food. The fruits, in vegetables, you must wash it off. The shelves in the shop, you should not take on the majority of purified nuts, in the seeds.
The symptoms of parasites in the body
The presence of parasites in the body, is marked by the following symptoms:
- The closure of the. Some people in order to have the size to block the bile into the intestine, which is the water, interfere with the normal process of defecation.
- Diarrhea. Micro-organisms can secrete a substance, the dilution of the sludge.
- Bloating in flatulence. Penetrate into the inner part of the small intestine, the worms cause inflammation in the body.
- Cramps in the intestines. When the parasitism of micro-organisms fats are classified as the food is digested, a lot worse. This is due to the building up fatty deposits on the walls of the intestine into the causes the spasmodic reaction.
- The pain in the joints, in the muscles. Often the parasites that settle in the muscles in the joint fluid. The body's immune system tries to fight against the uninvited of the population. In this context, the struggle of a person who is feeling the pain, similar to arthritis.
- Allergies. The waste products of the worms under the napad iz of the body's immune system to produce protective cells, in eosinophils. The lack of development of the latter, the body begins to poisoned. A person appearing in a variety of allergic reactions.
- The skin rashes. Parasitic the presence of The not infrequently becomes the cause of dermatitis, eczema, papillomas, in ulcers of the skin.
- Anemia. Intestinal parasites, which can bind to the intestinal mucosa in the to suck some of the nutrients. Sometimes, the diet of the worms consists of the blood from the cells, which causes a significant loss of blood can lead to anemia.
- An excess or lack of weight gain. Completeness suggests that the parasites consume primarily glucose to the poison as waste. With strong emaciation, and the patient has a disturbed metabolism.
- Soreness in the supply. You have to produce toxic waste, which compromise the function of the nervous system by dampening the impact on the people.
- The Disruption Of Sleep. Around 2 – 3am the liver is thrown out of the accumulated parasitic toxins. Most often, it is that time of the eggs of helminth accumulated anusnymi a description of the cause irritation of its mucosa. Your Anus itches do not start the complaining.
- Gnashing of the teeth during sleep. The toxic effects of the parasite disrupts the body's the nervous system.
- A chronic fatigue. The syndrome occurs when a lack of nutrients in the body, as a result of their use of the parasites.
- Oncology. For long, the presence of micro-organisms in the human body leads to disruption of the functioning of certain organs in the tissues.
- Respiratory failure. If the movement of the body, the parasites reach the respiratory tract, experienced the patient, the symptoms, such as, coughing, discharge from the nose, in the area of higher temperature. Develop an asthma pneumonia, indicate whether you can an online presence in the body of the worms.
The patient has an increased appetite, in an irresistible desire for fresh, in starchy food products. Often the symptoms are accompanied by headaches, nausea, an uncomfortable in-breath. From the exhaustion, the wearing down of the nervous system of the living being to appear the particular dark circles under the eyes.

Folks the media in a prescription-iz parasites
The juice of the garlic
The chain and contains a lethal dose of the volatile. The material to be struggling with a variety of species of micro-organisms, leadeth into them. The result Of the acquisition, you have to take into account the following regime: - at least 3 times a day to swallow 5 drops of garlic juice. It would be desirable to take an hour before a meal. After a week the dosage can be increased to do the 7-drops.
There is also in the effective medium of the worms, the parasites – in a glass of sour milk, add the chopped chain / retail and 1 tsp crushed black pepper. Mix in a beverage, one hour before meals. The process is carried out for 5 days.
Extracts of the nut
So rich with Walnuts essential oil – eugenol, which has a deleterious effect on the parasitic fauna. The kernel of the nuts don't grind (you need to get a spoon) to add to a glass of wine. Fill the mixture needs to be at least a 3-week period. The prepared infusion over 3 to 5 tablespoons prior to meals. The daily intake of the Amount of the sme limited to the 5-fold.
At a pharmacy to purchase the 5 g of dried powdered iz pod is poured into a Cup of boiling water. In the 1 minute and the mixture is heated on a water bath at nato, infused for at least 30 minutes. Teaspoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals decoction must be consumed in the interior.
Tip! You need each and every day than to prepare a fresh decoction cloves, because of the volatile active substance.
A tincture of chanterelles
The fox is In a unique mushroom. To kill the parasites they Contain a substance hainanense. The use of a tincture of this mushroom. Fresh mushrooms need to leave for about two weeks on the alcohol. Eating prior to going to bed a spoonful of the 7 days.
An infusion of the powder of the seeds of tansy
You need to prepare 2 tablespoons of the dried flowers of the tansy; pour in 1 litre of boiling water. Infuse for an hour. The rules for the acceptance of the final tincture:
- adults also need to be taken prior to a meal, at least 3 times a day, to 1/2 a Cup;
- the kids both in terms of in the same way that a single spoonful.
Help! You can buy it at pharmacies the stronger the medium against the mouth – of the powder, the seeds of tansy. It should be Used twice a day, before meals: adults: teaspoonful, for children half teaspoonful.
A tincture of wormwood
1 tbsp. sage is diluted with 100 ml of alcohol in the insist in a dark place for about 14 days. The prepared infusion must drink 3 times a day for 20 — 30 minutes prior to a meal and 15 — 20 drops.

Milled pumpkin seeds
From the seeds of pumpkins contains the parasites that may be harmful to the substance – cucurbite, which has the effect of paralyzing. 300 g, peeled pumpkin seeds, so the soil in it and mix it with water or honey, in the ratio of 1:1. On whether of the stomach, drink a cup of the mixture. Don't eat at 3 of the clock in the to take a laxative.
Carrot juice
The tops of the carrots, the seeds contain substances that affect your game at the cellular level.
The carrot juice will be useful to work together more pieces of carrot [spirits of the craft]. The juice is drunk, you can at any time of the day, but no more than 2 cups of coffee per day. Most of the effectiveness of the juice is to be taken in the morning on whether the stomach. Of course, it is a week or so. Have done the procedure To get the result shall be carried out after 14 days.
Pomegranate peel
In The lupine rose-hip contains a unique substance – Pelerin. It kills all types of micro-organisms.
Help! Pellerin is recognised as an official vermifuge of the drug. The concentration of 0,01%, so to be able to totally eliminate the parasites in their larvae.
To prepare the therapeutic infusion, take 50 g of fresh pomegranate peel in the pour 400 ml of boiling water. The resulting infused the mixture for 6 hours, then cook them, not at that time as long as it does not apply to infusion, decreased two times.
A scheme of the media from pomegranate peels:
- A SIP of the volume of the resulting infusion should drink at one time.
- after that, wait 30 minutes, take a laxative;
- in the 4 hours of not eating the food in the fluid;
- if you want the process of cleaning up to complete the enema.
A tincture of ginger root
Iz ginger root cineole, geraniol, in the vanillic acid, the incredible substance of the parasites. 500 grams of grated root pour 500 ml. vodka is infused for 15 days, daily to shake the container to a tincture. It takes a half an hour before a meal a teaspoon 3 times a day.
The arch of the
The average onions cut in small cubes, pour in a cup of boiling water. Push the night to drink half a glass in the morning on whether the stomach is in a half a Cup before going to bed. Of course, with breaks, a week to 10 days.
A small horseradish root grate, it is on a fine grater in a pinch the juice out of it. Prior to eating a tablespoon of the juice diluted in a glass of boiling water. Consume within 5 to 7 days in advance of each meal.
In a thermos 500 ml of boiling water, put 2 tablespoons of the herb tansy. Cost per day of the strain, divide into 4 equal parts. Please use the following:
- adults for 10 consecutive days, you must take a ½ Cup of the drug 1 hour before meals;
- the children at the same time you would need to eat 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
The soap
The soap kills all the germs in the skin to prevent its penetration. Hands should be washed with soap after every visit to the streets, after using the bathroom. After defecation with a solution of soap, you must wash your anus. This is the process that kills off all the parasites in their egg, obtained within the anus.
The barrel
The barrel can be used for pest control, thus pointing to the outside of the internal processing:
- Out. 2 tablespoons dissolved in 700 ml of liquid. the hot boiling water. The liquid enema once a day during the week.
- In the interior of the. In a glass of warm boiled water, take 1 tsp. with the baking soda. The solution is to drink on whether of the stomach. Before taking 10 minutes to drink a glass of plain water.
Coriander seeds
A few of the seeds of heat, in a frying pan without any oil on the ground in a coffee grinder. In 4 – 6 days in the powder added to food or drink, in take 1 g 3 times a day.
The watermelon seeds in milk
For the preparation of melon seed-based milk, and 1:10. Grind them in a mixer, in the mix with the milk. To whether stomach is to drink one glass of the vehicle throughout the week.
Papaya contain caricin of the seed, which is effective for the treatment of various types of worms. A teaspoon of the seeds in the form of powder, diluted in a glass of water or milk. In the morning, before meals, that the drug is taken for 7 – 10 days.
The black walnut tree

It contains many antifungal in the antiparasitic substance. From the fruit of the juglone iodine odor is a repellent of micro-organisms. A it also combines a variety of tannins, ascorbic acid, organic acids, in flavonoids.
The easiest way to get to a black walnut tree at the pharmacy. If it is carried out according to the following schemes: for the seven days of the receipt, and then take a break for a period of seven days, in the so-4 times.
Action! The black walnut tree, you can reduce your blood pressure, so it has to introduce the hypertensive patients, the procedure: 1 capsule a day the gradually increase to the recommended by the manufacturer of the dose. The black walnut is no more to be used as a medicine during pregnancy, in breast-feeding.
For tips on how to efficiently use the national resources of the
In order for a treatment against the parasites bring about the most benefit, you need to take into account the following guidelines:
- Some of the herbs, so the better the beer, the other, you insist, the freezing cold the boiling of the water. To clarify this point, in order To advance.
- The plant, which is required only in the enameled or glass cookware.
- It is a fresh decoction of the plant to use for a period of not more than one day.
- It is impossible to make the infusion preparation for use in a microwave oven.
- They may not be added to solutions of extracts in the sugar to improve the taste, such as sugar slows the healing properties of the medicines.
The advantages of folk remedies of the media
Undoubtedly, the advantage of the use of the remedies of folk media for worms, the parasites, that is, that the teas, in the tincture, which is based on them contain only natural ingredients. When used Correctly does not cause an allergic reaction and is completely harmless to the human body. In addition, as the negative effects of the popular drugs, so that was not.
The national drugs, the drugs not only kill the parasites in to flush them out, but a curative effect on the following body systems:
- normalize the intestinal microflora in drug goiter occur on a background of parasitic activity;
- has an antibacterial effect on the body;
- renewal of the disruption of the digestion process;
- it helps to strengthen the immunity.
The cure For the worms in parasites with the help of folk remedies of the media can be very rapid, in an efficient manner. You must comply with the only be the dose of these drugs into to ensure no allergic reactions to them. If you are using a means to enter into the patient to exhibit significant symptoms, the treatment should be stopped to seek the advice of a professional.